GCDA is delighted to have been awarded the contract to deliver training to budding food businesses in Croydon. As part of the Food Flagship Programme, Croydon Council has commissioned us to run an 8 week training course for 11 passionate food entrepreneurs. The course will cover all the fundamental elements of starting and running a food business including how to do … [Read more...]
Donate A Plate For Christmas
Donate a plate for Christmas. Help feed 2000 refugees this Christmas. Jai is a regular happy face in our shared kitchens here at the GCDA. You will often find him cooking lots of delicious food for massive events. Please watch the video below and donate as much as you can. … [Read more...]
London.gov Website update
The London.gov website has been updated so you can find the latest information about the London Food Board’s activities and projects . https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/business-and-economy/food If you haven’t heard about it or what it’s up to this would be a good place to start. Observers are also welcome at meetings. … [Read more...]
GCDA Training Schedule January – October 2016
Please see below for GCDA’s training schedule for 2016. Please note there is a £10 charge for all courses (+ Eventbrite admin fee of £1.49), but for anyone unwaged we can arrange a refund on completion of the course Social Enterprise Training Do you have a business idea, but are not sure where to start? Are you looking for some advice on how to set up a social enterprise? … [Read more...]
Awards for Healthy Workplaces
The GCDA received the London Health Workplace Charter. Please see the new clipping taken from the GCDA. Click here to read the Greenwich Times … [Read more...]